Just cause 2 pc best buy
Just cause 2 pc best buy

I can write a paragraph detailing why cars in just cause 2 are ridiculous but you'll most likely get bored of reading it. The car handling is WAY better than in JC2. Overall, I prefer JC3 to JC2, but I enjoy going back to Panau and wreaking havoc every now and then. JC3 is a little bit prettier graphics-wise, but is much more demanding on the hardware. In the hundreds of hours I played on JC2, there were only a handful of CTD's that I can remember, versus the countless ones I got from JC3. Stability: Can't verify on console, but JC2 definitely wins in performance and overall stability. Also, there were more settlements to destroy in 2 than in 3. The climate changes of Panau in 2, while kinda unrealistic, was amazingly fun to play in. Although Avalanche advertised that 3 is the same map size as 2, 3 has less landmass and has only one type of climate. World: Just Cause 2 is the hands-down winner here. The grappling hook (and tether system) is far superior in JC3, and having unlimited explosives is just common sense. Some people complained about the cars being crap in JC3 (I agree), but they were also fairly crappy in JC2, so that's a draw. All of his actions and stunts feel like they're from a movie, and wingsuiting just right gives off a warm tingle like a perfect drift in a racing game. Gameplay: JC3 wins this one, as Rico feels more fluid with his wingsuit and parachute combo than in JC2. There are fans on either side, and each game can be divided into three categories: Gameplay, World, and Stability.

Just cause 2 pc best buy